
Statistical data, obtained from government auction services, are analysed with the aim of giving an overview of the recent status of the most important long-finned squid ( Loligo vulgaris and Loligo forbesi) and short-finned squid ( Illex coindetii) fisheries. Annual data from the fishery, on the fishing season, fishing area, type of gear, fishing effort, and the abundance and economic value of these resources are summarised. The main findings are as follows. In the last 5 years there has been an increase in long-finned squid landings and a slight decrease in short-finned squid landings. Landings and catch per unit effort (CPUE) show regular seasonal patterns. Landings and trawl fishing effort are highest in northern Portugal. The highest CPUE occurs in the north for long-finned squid and in central Portugal for short-finned squid. The trawl fishery accounts for most long-finned squid landings, while the artisanal fishery (gill nets, hooks, traps) is responsible for most short-finned squid landings. The seine fishery (purse-seine nets) takes squid in small amounts.

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