
G Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of receptors whose ligands constitute nearly a third of prescription drugs in the market. They are widely involved in diverse physiological functions including learning and memory. NMDA receptors (NMDARs), which belong to the ionotropic glutamate receptor family, are likewise ubiquitously expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) and play a pivotal role in learning and memory. Despite its critical contribution to physiological and pathophysiological processes, few pharmacological interventions aimed directly at regulating NMDAR function have been developed to date. However, it is well established that NMDAR function is precisely regulated by cellular signalling cascades recruited downstream of G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) stimulation. Accordingly, the downstream regulation of NMDARs likely represents an important determinant of outcome following treatment with neuropsychiatric agents that target selected GPCRs. Importantly, the functional consequence of such regulation on NMDAR function varies, based not only on the identity of the GPCR, but also on the cell type in which relevant receptors are expressed. Indeed, the mechanisms responsible for regulating NMDARs by GPCRs involve numerous intracellular signalling molecules and regulatory proteins that vary from one cell type to another. In the present article, we highlight recent findings from studies that have uncovered novel mechanisms by which selected GPCRs regulate NMDAR function and consequently NMDAR-dependent plasticity.


  • Introduction toNMDA receptors (NMDARs) (NMDA Receptors)NMDARs are tetramers composed of two GluN1 subunits and two GluN2 subunits or in some cases, a GluN2 and a GluN3 subunit [11]

  • Stimulation of Gαs containing G Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) increases the concentration of cAMP and activates protein kinase A (PKA), which consists of two catalytic subunits and two regulatory subunits

  • Increasing evidence suggests that specific assemblies of NMDAR subunits are selectively targeted downstream of a given GPCR

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GluN1 Subunits

GluN1 is expressed ubiquitously in the brain. Its gene (Grin1) consists of 22 exons and alternative splicing of three of these (exons 5, 21 and 22) generates eight different isoforms [17]. GluN1 subunits do not form functional receptors alone. When expressed in the absence of GluN2 subunits, GluN1 isoforms containing N1, C1 and C2 cassettes are retained in the ER [18], due to the presence within the C1 cassette of a ER retention motif [19]. When co-expressed with GluN2 subunits the ER retention motif is masked allowing for the release of. The splice status of GluN1 can influence the functional modulation of NMDARs by protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC). Consensus serine residues within the C1 cassette of GluN1 subunit are phosphorylated by PKA and PKC [20,21]. PKC phosphorylation within C1 relieves ER retention and enhances GluN1 surface expression [22]

GluN2 Subunits
Intracellular Association of GluN2 Subunits
Distinct Functional Roles of GluN2 Subunits in Synaptic Plasticity
GluN2 Subunits in Metaplasticity
The Regulation of NMDARs by Gαq Containing GPCRs
The Regulation of NMDAR by Gαs Containing GPCRs
The Regulation of NMDAR by Gαi Containing GPCRs
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