
This review discusses the recent developments in open tubular (OT) liquid chromatography (OT-LC) and capillary electrochromatography (OT-CEC) research during 2019–2021. A Scopus search generated 74 research articles, 12 reviews and 1 tutorial paper. Of the 74 research articles, 57 were on OT-CEC, 14 on OT-LC, and 3 on OT-CEC/OT-LC. Most of these papers focused on the development of stationary phases (SP). These SPs were categorised into organosilica, cyclodextrins, polymers, microporous materials, nanoparticles, bioderived materials and surfactants. Remarkable separations were obtained using a thin layer of these materials, mostly implemented on relatively wide (i.e., 50 μm i. d.) capillaries. Most researchers speculate non-covalent interactions such as hydrophobic, π-π, hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions to be responsible for analyte-SP interactions. We also discussed the characterisation techniques and various SP immobilisation methods. We end this review with a short discussion on the future research directions in OT separations.

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