
Three-dimensional printing has significant potential as a fabrication method in creating scaffolds for tissue engineering. The applications of 3D printing in the field of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering are limited by the variety of biomaterials that can be used in this technology. Many researchers have developed novel biomaterials and compositions to enable their use in 3D printing methods. The advantages of fabricating scaffolds using 3D printing are numerous, including the ability to create complex geometries, porosities, co-culture of multiple cells, and incorporate growth factors. In this review, recently-developed biomaterials for different tissues are discussed. Biomaterials used in 3D printing are categorized into ceramics, polymers, and composites. Due to the nature of 3D printing methods, most of the ceramics are combined with polymers to enhance their printability. Polymer-based biomaterials are 3D printed mostly using extrusion-based printing and have a broader range of applications in regenerative medicine. The goal of tissue engineering is to fabricate functional and viable organs and, to achieve this, multiple biomaterials and fabrication methods need to be researched.


  • The human body has incredible capacity to regenerate, but this regeneration is limited by factors such as the type of tissue, and the need for growth hormones for differentiation and physical size

  • These scaffolds are often loaded with growth factors to hasten differentiation of cells to preferred types of lineage to promote new tissue formation

  • In extrusion-based bioprinting, biomaterials are extruded from the print-head due to the exertion of mechanical or pneumatic pressure

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The human body has incredible capacity to regenerate, but this regeneration is limited by factors such as the type of tissue, and the need for growth hormones for differentiation and physical size (critical defect). A recent approach to creating scaffolds with naturally-occurring biomaterials is intact ECM. In extrusion-based bioprinting, biomaterials are extruded from the print-head due to the exertion of mechanical or pneumatic pressure This technique does not involve heating processes and, enables convenient incorporation of cells and bioactive agents. TThheessee ssccaaffffoollddss are chemicallllyy and physiccaallllyy moddiiffiieedd duurriinngg tthhee fabrriiccaattiioonn pprroocceessss ttoo meeett specciiffiicc needdss,, suchh as biodegradability, porosity,, siizzee, shape, and bioactivity These requirements may vary depending on the nature of the biomaterials, the fabrication process, and the target tissue. Stem cells and pluripotent stem cells are most widely used because of their ability to differentiate into specific cell lines depending on the stimulus These cells from the host need to be cultured to fabricate organs with zero immunogenic reactions. Primary cells of different genotypes and phenotypes can be added, or pluripotent cells can be added that differentiate into the required cell lines [20]

Scaffold Fabrication Methods
Properties of Biomaterials That Make Them Suitable for 3D Printing
Biomaterials Used in 3D Printing for Tissue Engineering
Ceramic and Composite Scaffolds Fabricated Using 3D Printing
Polymer Scaffolds Fabricated Using 3D Printing
Challenges and Future Directions
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