
Let $$\vec A: = \left( {{A_1},{A_2}} \right)$$ be a pair of expansive dilations and φ: ℝ n ×ℝ m ×[0, ∞) → [0, ∞) an anisotropic product Musielak-Orlicz function. In this article, we introduce the anisotropic product Musielak-Orlicz Hardy space $$H_{\vec A}^\varphi \left( {{\mathbb{R}^n} \times {\mathbb{R}^m}} \right)$$ via the anisotropic Lusin-area function and establish its atomic characterization, the $$\vec g$$ -function characterization, the $$\vec g_\lambda ^*$$ -function characterization and the discrete wavelet characterization via first giving out an anisotropic product Peetre inequality of Musielak-Orlicz type. Moreover, we prove that finite atomic decomposition norm on a dense subspace of $$H_{\vec A}^\varphi \left( {{\mathbb{R}^n} \times {\mathbb{R}^m}} \right)$$ is equivalent to the standard infinite atomic decomposition norm. As an application, we show that, for a given admissible triplet ( $$\left( {\varphi ,q,\vec s} \right)$$ ), if T is a sublinear operator and maps all ( $$\left( {\varphi ,q,\vec s} \right)$$ )-atoms into uniformly bounded elements of some quasi-Banach spaces B, then T uniquely extends to a bounded sublinear operator from $$H_{\vec A}^\varphi \left( {{\mathbb{R}^n} \times {\mathbb{R}^m}} \right)$$ to B. Another application is that we obtain the boundedness of anisotropic product singular integral operators from $$H_{\vec A}^\varphi \left( {{\mathbb{R}^n} \times {\mathbb{R}^m}} \right)$$ to L φ (R n × R m ) and from $$H_{\vec A}^\varphi \left( {{\mathbb{R}^n} \times {\mathbb{R}^m}} \right)$$ to itself, whose kernels are adapted to the action of $$\vec A$$ . The results of this article essentially extend the existing results for weighted product Hardy spaces on ℝ n × ℝ m and are new even for classical product Orlicz-Hardy spaces.

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