
Traffic control and vehicle owner identification become major problems in Bangladesh. Most of the time it is difficult to identify the driver or the owner of the vehicles who violate the traffic rules or do any accidental work on the road. Moreover, it is very time-consuming for a traffic police officer to physically check the license plate of every vehicle. So, an automatic license plate recognition system is a much-needed solution to solve these problems. The existing Bangla license plate recognition systems are mostly based on character segmentation and these methods are not implemented in real-time. In this study, two separate Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) models are used to identify the license plate and the characters on the license plate from the real-time video streaming. The first CNN model detects the license plate from the live video of a vehicle on the road. Than it crop the license plate area from the video frames. The cropped frame is then fed into the second CNN to detect the characters on that license plate. The characters are detected as individual objects. After detecting all the characters and numbers on the license plate, they are rearranged according to their position on the plate. To train the proposed model total of 292 images are collected used. Moreover, an open-sourced Bangla handwritten character dataset named BanglaLekha-Isolated is also used to train the model with synthetic character data. The trained model is tested using 18 live videos and 6 still image data. Finally, the proposed methodology gains a 100% precision on detecting the license plate, and 91.67% precision for detecting the characters on the license plate for the given test dataset.

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