
Criminal prosecution of monopolistic activities in the form of market cartelization is the most sensitive tool for individuals, which can have both a serious deterrent effect and limit behavior that is beneficial to public welfare. This paper discusses the theoretical aspects of the issue of choosing a regime of antitrust enforcement in connection with the design of amendments and enforcement of the norms of Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account possible differences between the initialization, conclusion of a cartel agreement and participation in it. The article shows that there are various options for the relationship between the concept of conclusion and participation in the agreement, including anti-competitive one. However, this requires the application of realistic assumptions regarding the behavior of individuals. Practical issues of designing criminal penalties for cartels are considered taking into account various legal concepts, including the form and types of guilt, as well as on the basis of a comparison with other articles of the Criminal Code that punish collective unlawful acts. In connection with the problem of reproduction of an inhospitable tradition, the Russian antitrust identified the risks of imputed imputation (risks of I type errors) and insufficient punishment of the cartel organizer (risks of II type errors) in case of underestimating the importance of economic concepts based on the principle of methodological individualism and the assumption of bounded rationality of individuals.


  • Criminal prosecution of monopolistic activities in the form of market cartelization is the most sensitive tool for individuals, which can have both a serious deterrent effect and limit behavior that is beneficial to public welfare

  • This paper discusses the theoretical aspects of the issue of choosing a regime of antitrust enforcement in connection with the design of amendments and enforcement of the norms of Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account possible differences between the initialization, conclusion of a cartel agreement and participation in it

  • Practical issues of designing criminal penalties for cartels are considered taking into account various legal concepts, including the form and types of guilt, as well as on the basis of a comparison with other articles of the Criminal Code that punish collective unlawful acts

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Конкурентная и промышленная политика

РЕАЛИСТИЧНОСТЬ МОДЕЛИ ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНОГО ВЫБОРА ИМЕЕТ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ: О НАКАЗАНИИ ЗА КАРТЕЛЬ∗. Реалистичность модели индивидуального выбора имеет значение: о наказании за картель концепций, основанных на принципе методологического индивидуализма и предпосылке об ограниченной рациональности индивидов. Задача настоящей статьи состоит в том, чтобы в контексте междисциплинарного дискурса, прежде всего экономической науки и права, показать преимущества подхода к моделированию индивидуального поведения, которое соответствует принципам методологического индивидуализма и основано на предпосылке ограниченной рациональности лиц, при-. Вот почему наряду с привычными для экономистов концепциями методологического индивидуализма, ограниченной рациональности, картеля, контракта будут применены концепции прямого умысла, вины, небрежности, которые хотя и нашли в известной степени отражение в экономическом анализе права, тем не менее пока не применялись для экономического исследования прикладных вопросов антитраста в контексте определения оснований для применения в отношении физических лиц уголовных санкций за картель. Что множество возможных ситуаций шире, если учитывать также соотношение между организацией картеля и заключением соглашения (более подробно в следующем разделе)

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