
The development of tectonics as a discourse in the modern era has further exerted the influence of technology on works of architecture, thus allowing for more freedom when it comes to exteriorizing various structure forms. This phenomenon has resulted in diverse perspectives when it comes to understanding the concept of tectonics, most alluding to a physical representation. In essence, tectonics discusses not only physical forms, but also the verity that produces beauty. These current times - where the general public is dumbfounded by the ever-advancing technology - makes for greater appeal in researching Mangunwijaya's works on tectonics, for he was able to showcase both adeptness and simplicity, far away from neither technological advancements nor modern fabrications. His works on tectonics are highly appreciated by many observers. This research concludes that the essence of tectonic beauty lies heavily in its truthful and authentic representation instead of merely technological advancements. This understanding encourages architects and educators to enrich their knowledge when it comes to unveiling truthfulness behind a structure and what that represents as a discourse in tectonics beauty, while at the same time voicing a response to the current discourse on tectonics. Comprehension of Mangunwijaya's works on tectonics was able to be established through organizing a rational reading method in regard to case studies, finding relations between physical elements that construct tectonics with representations of tectonics, as well as regarding context as a significantly influential factor. Through a comprehensively-and-rationally-arranged matrix, digestible and teachable understanding of Mangunwijaya's tectonics was successfully obtained.

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