
Five hundred and fifty-seven infants received either an acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine containing pertussis toxoid (PT), filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) and pertactin (PRN) or one of two commercially available whole-cell pertussis (DTP) vaccines at 2, 4 and 6 months. One month after the third immunization, IgG antibody values to pertussis toxoid, filamentous hemagglutinin and PRN were significantly greater following DTaP than either DTP ( P<0.05). When reactions within 48 h after all three doses of vaccine were combined, fever 101°, ≥moderate fussiness, ≥moderate pain, swelling 10 mm, and erythema 10 mm occurred less often after DTaP compared with DTP-Connaught ( P<0.001). The same adverse events were also less after DTaP compared with DTP-Lederle ( P<0.05), except for erythema 10 mm. This three-component DTaP vaccine produced fewer adverse events and greater antibody values to PT, FHA and PRN in comparison with either licensed DTP vaccine when given as the primary series.; Acellular pertussis vaccine; whole-cell pertussis vaccine; immunization

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