
The reaction of the open bioctahedral form of Re(2)Cl(4)(&mgr;-dppm)(2)(CO)(CNXyl) (1), where XylNC = 2,6-dimethylphenyl isocyanide, with TlO(3)SCF(3) in the presence of acetonitrile proceeds with retention of stereochemistry at the dirhenium unit to afford the complex [Re(2)Cl(3)(&mgr;-dppm)(2)(CO)(CNXyl)(NCCH(3))]O(3)SCF(3) (3). The single-crystal X-ray structure determination of 3 shows that a Re&tbd1;Re bond is retained (the Re-Re distance is 2.378(3) Å) and that it is the chloride ligand trans to the XylNC ligand of 1 which is labilized. Complex 1 reacts with TlO(3)SCF(3) in a noncoordinating solvent to produce the unsymmetrical complex [Re(2)Cl(3)(&mgr;-dppm)(2)(CO)(CNXyl)]O(3)SCF(3) (2), through loss of this same chloride ligand of 1 and CO transfer from the adjacent Re center. The acetonitrile ligand of 3 is very labile and is readily displaced by XylNC and t-BuNC, with retention of stereochemistry, to produce complexes of stoichiometry [Re(2)Cl(3)(&mgr;-dppm)(2)(CO)(CNXyl)(CNR)]O(3)SCF(3) (R = Xyl, 4a; R = t-Bu, 4b). In a noncoordinating solvent, the nitrile ligand of 3 is lost and 2 is formed following CO transfer; this conversion is reversed upon the reaction of 2 with acetonitrile. When 3 is treated with CO, the acetonitrile ligand is again displaced, but in this instance the reaction is accompanied by a structure change to produce an edge-sharing bioctahedral complex of the type [Re(2)(&mgr;-CO)(&mgr;-Cl)(&mgr;-dppm)(2)Cl(2)(CO)(CNXyl)]O(3)SCF(3) (5).

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