
Conversion of the β-hepta-acetate into the O-acetylglycosyl halide by means of dihalomethyl methyl ethers occurs more rapidly with rutinose (6- O-α- l-rhamnopyranosyl- d-glucose) than with neohesperidose (2- O-α- l-rhamnopyranosyl- d-glucose). Further cleavage of the goycosidic link between the l-rhamnose and d-glucose residues occurs readily with dibromomethyl methyl ether, but to a very much lesser extent with the dichloro analogue. Dihalomethyl methyl ethers liberate oligosaccharides less selectively from flavonoid 7-( l-rhamnosyl- d-glucosides) than from the less acid-resistant 3-glycoside, rutin. A method is described for the preparation of β-rutinose hepta-acetate in good yield from rutin deca-acetate.

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