
The purpose of our work was to prove the reasons for the creation of a normatively stated range of medicines based on the principles of evidentiary pharmacy in accordance with the unified clinical protocols of medical assistance and the protocols of pharmaceutical sales representative (pharmacist) for family and general pharmacy stores. Methods. The structural-logical and content analysis, surveys under the business name “Family pharmacy”, interaction between family pharmacies and institutions of family healthcare, the results of our own investigation were used as the methods of our research. Results. For the first time in Ukraine, the article, provides a report on the results of investigating and summarizing analysis of the protocols of a pharmaceutical sales representative (pharmacist) based on the legal and regulatory framework and the clinical protocols of medical assistance, along with necessary regulatory coordinated structure for the creation of a required range of medicines used in the family pharmacy at the institutions of family medicine. Conclusions. The need is stressed to create specialized medical facilities based on the principles of family pharmacy, to take measures for further re-organization of the structure of general pharmacies that serve the institutions of family medicine. We also stress the necessity for developing an adequate legal and regulatory framework, instruction documents and methodological guidelines for its further effective functioning, determination of the essential range of medicines in accordance with the unified clinical protocols a family doctor or pharmaceutical sales representative uses


  • The structural-logical and content analysis, surveys under the business name “Family pharmacy”, interaction between family pharmacies and institutions of family healthcare, the results of our own investigation were used as the methods of our research

  • For the first time in Ukraine, the article, provides a report on the results of investigating and summarizing analysis of the protocols of a pharmaceutical sales representative based on the legal and regulatory framework and the clinical protocols of medical assistance, along with necessary regulatory coordinated structure for the creation of a required range of medicines used in the family pharmacy at the institutions of family medicine

  • The need is stressed to create specialized medical facilities based on the principles of family pharmacy, to take measures for further re-organization of the structure of general pharmacies that serve the institutions of family medicine

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Мета нашої роботи полягала в обґрунтуванні створенні нормативно-визначеного асортименту ліків на засадах доказової фармації у відповідності до уніфікованих клінічних протоколів медичної допомоги та протоколів провізора (фармацевта) для спеціалізованих аптек сімейної фармації та аптек загального типу при закладах сімейної медицини. В статті вперше в Україні наведені результати вивчення та узагальнення аналізу нормативно-правової бази протоколів провізора (фармацевта) та клінічних протоколів медичної допомоги і необхідну нормативноузгоджену структуру в створенні необхідного асортименту ліків для аптек сімейної фармації при закладах сімейної медицини.

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