
ABSTRACT The Smart Grid is an evolution of the existing electricity grid. It comprises of a two-way communication where electricity and information is exchanged by the consumer and utility to maximize efficiency. Home automation is an important milestone in achieving smart grid and is ever exciting field that has exploded over the past few years. Advancement in technologies have made homes more convenient, efficient and even more secure. Introducing the Raspberry Pi to the world of home automation provides numerous customizations to turn a regular home into a smart home. Raspberry Pi provides a low cost platform for interconnecting electrical/electronic devices and various sensors in a home via the internet network. The main objective of present work is to design a smart home using various sensors which can be controlled and monitored by the Raspberry Pi via the Internet of Things (IoT). This will help the home owners to provide a simple, fast and reliable way to automate their environment. This paper focuses on two aspects of smart home i.e. home security and home automation. Home security system, capable of motion & disturbance detection at entry points and creating an alarm system with email notification alerts having picture, was implemented to allow real time monitoring for the house. The home automation system was also implemented around the same Raspberry Pi, which includes a smart doorbell, an automated lighting system and a temperature & humidity controller that turns an air-condition unit or fan on/off automatically under given conditions. Python codes were written for interfacing each sensor and a prototype of smart home was developed. Smart home was fully tested and performance was found satisfactory.

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