
Welcome to rasdaman -- world's most flexible and scalable Engine rasdaman (raster data manager) allows storing and querying massive multi-dimensional arrays, such as sensor, image, simulation, and statistics data appearing in domains like earth, space, and life science . This worldwide leading array analytics engine distinguishes itself by its flexibility, performance, and scalability. Rasdaman can process arrays residing in file system directories as well as in databases with key features:. Fast : parallel access to Exascale archives and Terabyte objects in fractions of a second. Scalable : seamlessly from laptop to high-parallel, high-availability clouds and server farms. Flexible : Array SQL for navigation, extraction, processing, and ad-hoc analysis. data can reside in a conventional database, in files optimized by rasdaman, or in some pre-existing archive. Open standards as issued by OGC : WMS, WCS, WCS-T, WCPS; rasdaman is WCS Core Reference Implementation and listed in GEOSS Component and Service Registry. Free : available as open source in a lively, mature, and professionally managed open-source project supervised by Jacobs University, in incubation by OSGeo foundation. Cost-efficient: through intelligent, economic resource utilization and free source code. In fact, rasdaman has pioneered Array Databases being first fully implemented, operationally used system with an array query language and optimized processing engine with unprecedented scalability. Known rasdaman databases exceed dozens of TB; EarthServer, is establishing intercontinental fusion of Petabyte datacubes.http://standards.rasdaman.com is a demonstration site showcasing rasdaman-enabled Big Earth Data standards OGC WCS and WCPS in a variety of 1-D to 5-D geo use cases. Next, you can download readily configured VMs, RPMs, or - of course - compile rasdaman from source. For each step, there is ample documentation available, as well as professional support, including dedicated mailing lists. Next-Generation Geo Raster Server . From simple geo imagery services up to complex analytics, rasdaman provides whole spectrum of functionality on spatio-temporal raster data - both regular and irregular grids. And it does so with an unprecedented performance and scalability, as recent scientific benchmarks show. To leverage this enabling technology, users do not necessarily have to learn new interfaces: rasdaman integrates smoothly with R, OpenLayers, Leaflet, NASA WorldWind, GDAL, MapServer, ESRI ArcGIS, and many more. Makers of Big Data Standards . Rasdaman is brought to you by guys writing Big Datacube standards. The forthcoming ISO SQL/MDA (Multi-Dimensional Arrays) standard, integrating n-D arrays seamlessly into table world, has been crafted by rasdaman team. This standard will be domain-independent and can serve all of Earth, Space, Life sciences, and beyond. Further, rasdaman is blueprint for OGC WCS and WCPS, OGC raster query language. No surprise, rasdaman supports OGC WMS, WCS core and all extensions including WCS-T, WCPS, and WPS. Further, rasdaman is INSPIRE WCS reference implementation. Worldwide Recognition and Success . In 2016, US CIO Review picks rasdaman into their 100 Most Promising Big Data Technologies. rasdaman is official OGC and INSPIRE WCS Reference Implementation. Further, rasdaman is listed in GEOSS Component and Service Registry. Finally, rasdaman is included in the OSGeo Live DVD) of particularly recommended open-source geo tools. Game changing, disruptive technology . During a thorough review in Fall 2014, independent experts unanimously attested that, based on proven evidence, rasdaman will significantly transform way scientists access and use data in a way that hitherto was not possible . In 2014, rasdaman was selected sole winner of Big Data Challenge in worldwide Copernicus Masters competition, underlining its maturity and scalability. This is along a chain of innovation awards rasdaman continues to receive. See also the listing on OpenHub for business value of rasdaman open source code. In 2017, The European Space Agency (ESA) recognizes rasdaman as the world-leading technology in this field.

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