
An Instrument of sustainability thinking was developed to measure students’ level towards sustainability thinking. Instrument of Sustainability Thinking Skills (STSI) was developed to measure the level of sustainability thinking towards STEM and non-STEM education among secondary school students. STSI consisted of 51 items measuring the four constructs of curiosity towards sustainability, namely sustainability thinking, green technology in sustainability, sustainable behavior (environmental value) and sustainable behavior (general ecological behavior). A total of 471 form 4 students aged 16 to 17 years enrolled in six urban and non-urban schools in Malaysia, were involved as research sample Rasch Measurement Model was applied to determine the validity and reliability of STSI. The results of the validity analysis found that the polarity of the items through the PTMEA-CORR values showed that all 51 items were >0.00 (+). Through item fit analysis, all items were retained because items meet the requirements of the range in MNSQ outfit, ZSTD outfit and PTMEA-CORR. Results also showed that STSI has an excellent item reliability and moderate high item separation value of 0.99 and 7.53 respectively. STSI also has a high person reliability and person separation value of 0.98 and 5.72 respectively. In conclusion, STSI has good validity and high reliability in measuring curiosity towards STEM Education among form 4 students in secondary schools.

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