
The alepocephalid Rouleina mollis (Koehler 1896), the ophidiid Xyelacyba myersi Cohen 1961, and the two macrourids Nezumia longebarbatus (Roule and Angel 1933) and Sphagemacrurus grenadae (Parr 1946) were trawled in Hudson Submarine Canyon (ca. 39°18′N 72°00′W) between 1500 and 1960 m on the bottom. These records constitute considerable extensions of the known ranges. The eretmophorid Halargyreus johnsoni Günther 1862, previously recorded from Hudson Canyon but unknown elsewhere in the area, was also taken. The trawl haul which captured these noteworthy species took, in addition, 290 specimens in 18 species of deep benthic fishes. Abundant species included Antimora rostrata, Synaphobranchus kaupi, Alepocephalus agassizi, Nezumia bairdii, Dicrolene intronigra, and Aldrovandia phalacra. These species also predominated in a catch made in a similar haul at the same place 4 yr previously, suggesting that the species composition of such deep-living canyon assemblages is quite stable.

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