
Abstract The aim of the study was to combine and summarize data on rare species of breeding forest birds found in the area of the Experimental Forest District near the Rogów village (Łódź Province). Our study area comprised 230 km2 of field and forest mosaic, where forests accounted for almost 17% of the area (13 forest complexes of 35-1000 ha). The results are based on the authors’ own field observations from the years 2000- 2015 as well as historical data since 1949 including original research papers, diploma theses, unpublished manuscripts, oral information and analyses of museum collections. The following criteria were used to categorise bird species as rare: (1) species that ceased breeding in the area, (2) taxa that were under strict protection and their abundance was no higher than 6 breeding pairs. In overall, 10 species were classified as rare, of which three do not breed in the area any more: grey heron Ardea cinerea, osprey Pandion haliaetus, European roller Coracias garrulus. However, non-breeding individuals of grey heron and osprey are still recorded in the area (the last cases of breeding pairs were recorded in the 1970s and 1961, respectively), while the European roller went extinct. In recent years, the abundance of another three species was probably stable: European honey buzzard Pernis apivorus, Eurasian hobby Falco subbuteo and nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus. Four species started breeding in the last 30 years: black stork Ciconia nigra, white-tailed eagle Haliaaetus albicilla, common crane Grus grus, stock dove Columba oenas. The trends in the abundance of the investigated species are similar to those observed in the country in overall.

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