
La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Yb, and Lu have been determined by neutron activation analysis in 3 anorthosites, 5 granulite facies rocks (including 3 mangerites areally associated with the anorthosites) and 2 amphibolite facies gneisses from the Lofoten-Vesteraalen Precambrian province, Norway. The REE distribution in each case is a linear, fractionated pattern relative to chondrites. The anorthosites show a marked Eu anomaly, and the overall REE content is less than the other rocks. The mangerites show no depletion in Eu, and may only be cogenetic with the anorthosite if the volume ratio mangerite/anorthosite is greater than one-half. No fractionation of light REE relative to heavy REE was observed in rocks of similar major element chemistry with change in metamorphic grade from amphibolite to granulite facies. Also no change in overall REE content with this increase in metamorphic grade was detected.

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