
A novel screening test is described for the discrimination of transgenic phosphinothricin tolerant oilseed rape from non transgenic rape seedlings. The method is based on the germination of rape seeds on filter paper soaked with a 0.005% phosphinothricin solution. Under these conditions inhibition of seedling development by the herbicide can be observed after 10 days. The germination test gains an advantage over the routinely used herbicide spraying, because it is rapid, needs little space and allows efficient screening of huge numbers of seeds. The assay has been successfully applied to the screening of different transgenic and non transgenic rapeseed varieties/lines and has been compared to other methods such asBasta® spray test, drop test, ELISA-technique and PCR-amplification of the pat gene. This test allows on one hand large screening programmes to monitor the foreign gene in the environment and on the other quality control of seedlots before market introduction of herbicide tolerant oilseed rape.

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