
A geometrical decorrelation constitutes one of the sources of noise present in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferograms. It comes from the different incidence angles of the two images used to form the interferograms, which cause a spectral (frequency) shift between them. A geometrical decorrelation must be compensated by a specific filtering technique known as range filtering, the goal of which is to estimate this spectral displacement and retain only the common parts of the images' spectra, reducing the noise and improving the quality of the interferograms. Multiple range filters have been proposed in the literature. The most widely used methods are an adaptive filter approach, which estimates the spectral shift directly from the data; a method based on orbital information, which assumes a constant-slope (or flat) terrain; and slope-adaptive algorithms, which consider both orbital information and auxiliary topographic data. Their advantages and limitations are analyzed in this manuscript and, additionally, a new, more refined approach is proposed. Its goal is to enhance the filtering process by automatically adapting the filter to all types of surface variations using a multi-scale strategy. A pair of RADARSAT-2 images that mapped the mountainous area around the Etna volcano (Italy) are used for the study. The results show that filtering accuracy is improved with the new method including the steepest areas and vegetation-covered regions in which the performance of the original methods is limited.

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