
Dextran has been the most commonly employed test molecule for probing the selectivity of glomerular filtration to macromolecules of varying size. The usual theories for hindered transport of solid spheres through pores have limited utility in interpreting clearance data for dextran or other linear polymers because such polymers in solution more closely resemble random, solvent-filled coils than solid spheres. To provide a model for glomerular filtration of random-coil macromolecules, the equilibrium partitioning of random coils between cylindrical pores and bulk solution was simulated using Monte Carlo calculations, and those results were combined with a hydrodynamic theory for restricted motion of solvent-filled polymer coils in pores. The rates of transport predicted for either neutral random coils or for solid spores of the same Stokes-Einstein radius were significantly lower than observed transport rates of dextran through the glomerular capillary wall or across synthetic porous membranes. This facilitation of dextran transport was modeled by postulating weak, attractive interactions between dextran monomers and the pore wall. The random-coil model with attractive interactions, modeled using a short-range, square-well potential, was found to adequately represent dextran sieving data in normal rats. Various limitations of this approach are discussed.

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