
The development of today's technology has been developing very rapidly and carry a very big change because with the technology information can be obtained quickly, accurately and not limited by time and place. One o f the growing sectors in technology development is in the field of tourism which contributes to distribute information about the attractions more interactive, especially through Internet technology. Yogyakarta has a variety of tourist attractions that are so beautiful, but not many people know the various tourist attractions in the area. Information on tourist places will be known if given a forum to exchange information on the matter in the form of a website. In order to generate tourism website in accordance with the wishes of users, the necessary methods of User Centered Design (UCD) based to the user. It is intended to provide information for tourists so it will be easier to plan excursions according to what they want without hesitation choose the desired attraction. Tourism information system was built using PHP as a programming language and MySQL as a database manager. This information system design using the UCD that engage users by providing input in the form of a questionnaire. This information system contains the profiles sights, means of transportation used and distance traveled. Other facilities that can be enjoyed for information about travel agents who can serve a trip out of town, and the inn (hotel). To implement this system needs the previous test program testing and system testing and then be evaluated. The information system created is a system that is capable of displaying objects on the map and provide information on the map if the object is selected, the user can view more detailed position of an object to be searched. For site owners can perform additional object data without having to perform the construction site from scratch, in this case both the data on a map or information. By making this system the objects displayed on the map always updates that facilitate and assist the user in doing excursions in Yogyakarta.


  • Yogyakarta has a variety o f tourist attractions that are so beautiful, but not many people know the various tourist attractions in the area

  • One o f the growing sectors in technology development is in the field o f tourism which contributes to distribute information about the attractions more interactive, especially through Internet technology

  • It is intended to provide information fo r tourists so it will be easier to plan excursions according to what they want without hesitation choose the desired attraction

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Landasan Teori

2.1 User Centered Design (UCD) UCD (User Centered Design) merupakan paradigma baru dalam pengembangan sistem berbasis web. Perancangan berbasis pengguna (User Centered Design = UCD) adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan filosofi perancangan. UCD adalah proses yang interaktif dimana langkah perancangan dan evaluasi dibuat didalam permulaan proyek sampai implementasi. UCD (User Centered Design) adalah perancangan antarmuka yang melibatkan pengguna, antarmuka dapat digunakan untuk menarik perhatian pengguna. Pengguna tidak hanya memberi komentar tentang ide perancangan, tetapi juga harus secara intensif dilibatkan dalam semua aspek, termasuk bagaimana implementasi sistem yang baru akan mempengaruhi pekerjaan mereka. Eason (1992) menggambarkan empat langkah kunci dalam pengembangan, yaitu perencanaan, perancangan, implementasi dan pengelolaan sistem. 2.2 Bahasa Pemrograman PHP PHP adalah bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan secara luas untuk penanganan pembuatan dan pengembangan sebuah web dan bisa digunakan pada html. PHP singkatan dari PHP Hypertext Preprocessor yang digunakan sebagai bahasa script server-side dalam pengembangan web yang disisipkan pada dokumen HTML. MySQL adalah suatu Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) yang mendukung database yang terdiri dari sekumpulan relasi atau tabel, relasi dan tabel memiliki arti yang sama (Peranginangin, 2006)

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