
WITH THE 1596 PUBLICATION OF The Discoverie of Large, Rich and Bewtifvl Empire of Gviana, Walter Ralegh promised Elizabeth I a gold-rich empire more lucrative than Peru-whose inhabitants, moreover, were eager swear allegiance Ezrabeta Cassipuna Aquerewana, which is as much as Elizabeth, great princesse or greatest commaunder.2 In 1616, Ralegh staked his life on his ability find, claim, and work Guianan gold mines of which he had written so confidently twenty years earlier-and lost. The Declaration of Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, appearing after Ralegh's execution relate at James's behest the true motiues and inducements which occasioned His Maiestie Proceed in doing Iustice upone him, as hath bene done, accused Ralegh of twofold duplicity; given a commission only to discouer and finde out some commodities and merchandizes in those Countries [the Americas] ... whereof Inhabitants there make little or no use or estimation,3 his intentions, as revealed in action, were

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