
This paper considers the effects of radio influence (RI) and corona loss in the design of the American Electric Powers' 765-kV lines. Past experience with 345-kV lines and field RI and corona-loss data obtained from the Apple Grove 750-kV test project [1] provided a good basis for establishing a conductor size for satisfactory RI and corona-loss performance at 765-kV. A bundle of four 1.165-inch (29.59-mm) diameter 954-kcmil ACSR conductors were selected for 765-kV lines to provide acceptable fair-weather radio reception at 200 feet (61 meters) from the line in urban or highly populated areas. For this conductor size the average fair- weather corona loss should not exceed 3 kW/mile (1.87 kW/km) three phase, and the mean foul-weather corona loss is expected to be approximately 135 kW/mile (84.3 kW/km) three phase. A special vehicle designed and equipped for 14-kHz to 1000-MHz RI and television influence (TVI) measurements will survey the 765-kV lines, collecting data for verification of performance, and, as necessary, for the correction of any unusual radio or TVI problems.

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