
In the suggested article were investigated the distribution of natural radionuclides naturally – occurring uranium – series isotopic ratios which taken water samples from rivers, cannels, aquifers (artesian well) and soil cover in central regions of Azerbaijan. Quantity of radionuclides (226R , 228Ra, 40K, 137Cs) in water and soil samples determined by qamma-spectrometric methods. The products of 238U radioactive decomposition rank 226Ra which has a comparatively great decomposition period and 228Ra intermediate product of 232Th rank is observed in water and soil samples of the territories investigated. Activity of radionuclides (226Ra, 228Ra, 40K,) in groundwater of investigation territory chances 226Ra (0,15Bq/l-1,21Bq/l), 228Ra(0,01Bq/l-1,55Bq/l) and 40K (0,24Bq/l-63Bq/l) interval. Contents observed in the waters to be taken from artesian wells indicate that, natural radionuclides in their content are formed as the result of erosion processes in soil layers. Radionuclide contents of bottom sediments matched the content of the territorial land cover and were much lower than the level of the existing norms.

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