
Treatment of the malignant lip is based upon the position, extent, and site of the lesion; whether or not it is ulcerated and infected; flat, indurated, and whether or not lymphatic glandular involvement is present. Lymph node involvement is important because the location, type, and condition of the lymph drainage areas considerably influence the method of procedure for their control, along with treatment of the primary lesion. In our series2 of 160 treated cases, 22 showed palpable lymph node involvement at the time of admission. The duration of the lesion before treatment determined in most instances the occurrence of lymph node invasion. Neck node involvement was uncommon in cases seen within the first six months from the onset of the local lesion. The age of the patient is important; the younger the patient the more drastic being the treatment required to control the malignant process; in older patients with localized lesion surgery is often the method of choice and may readily eliminate the entire co...

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