
Community question answering services (CQAS) (e.g., Yahoo! Answers) provides a platform where people post questions and answer questions posed by others. Previous works analyzed the answer quality (AQ) based on answer-related features, but neglect the question-related features on AQ. Previous work analyzed how asker- and question-related features affect the question quality (QQ) regarding the amount of attention from users, the number of answers and the question solving latency, but neglect the correlation between QQ and AQ (measured by the rating of the best answer), which is critical to quality of service (QoS). We handle this problem from two aspects. First, we additionally use QQ in measuring AQ, and analyze the correlation between a comprehensive list of features (including answer-related features) and QQ. Second, we propose the first method that estimates the probability for a given question to obtain high AQ. Our analysis on the Yahoo! Answers trace confirmed that the list of our identified features exert influence on AQ, which determines QQ. For the correlation analysis, the previous classification algorithms cannot consider the mutual interactions between multiple ( $>$ 2) classes of features. We then propose a novel Coupled Semi-Supervised Mutual Reinforcement-based Label Propagation (CSMRLP) algorithm for this purpose. Our extensive experiments show that CSMRLP outperforms the Mutual Reinforcement-based Label Propagation (MRLP) and five other traditional classification algorithms in the accuracy of AQ classification, and the effectiveness of our proposed method in AQ prediction. Finally, we provide suggestions on how to create a question that will receive high AQ, which can be exploited to improve the QoS of CQAS.

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