
Cymothoid parasitic isopods infest a wide range of fish of different taxa living in marine, brackish, and freshwater environments. Most research on the reproductive season of Cymothoidae has been done by collecting or monitoring host fish afflicted with cymothoid parasites. However, collecting ecological data on cymothoid species that infest non-commercial or endangered fishes is complex and challenging. We used a quatrefoil light trap to investigate the seasonal change in species composition of cymothoid free-swimming stages in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. We also collected preliminary data for efficient light-trap sampling and showed its effectiveness in cymothoid-related research. From October 2020 to December 2021, 613 cymothoid free-swimming stages were sampled monthly. All obtained individuals were identified as Mothocya parvostis (596), Ceratothoa verrucosa (12), and Ceratothoa carinata (5) by DNA barcoding using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA gene sequences. Based on the number of M. parvostis mancae collected each month, M. parvostis was anticipated to reproduce from June to December, with two reproduction peaks each year, and C. verrucosa and C. carinata were expected to reproduce in June, July, and September, and September and October, respectively. In addition, free-swimming juveniles were captured, presumably after they had left their optional intermediate hosts. Furthermore, the most effective time to harvest cymothoids with light traps may be during high tide on the night of the new moon. This study serves as a methodological framework for future research on cymothoids using light traps.

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