
The Vυ scattering profile of glass displays two characteristics in precise light-scattering measurements. One characteristic is of speckle patterns (Vυqst) due to frozen-in (quasi-static) density fluctuation. The other is background scattering (Vυdyn) observed beneath the speckle patterns, which is caused by the dynamic density fluctuation. Temperature dependences of Vυqst and Vυdyn were investigated at several temperatures ranging from room temperature to around Tg and the wavelength of 488 nm for polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). As a result of this experiment, it has been verified for the first time that the increase of Vυ (≈Vυiso) with increasing temperatures is the result of an increase of Vυdyn, i.e., that the increase of Vυiso results from the increase of the dynamic density fluctuation much remaining in the glassy state. On the other hand, the Vυqst dose not significantly change from room temperature to approximately Tg, and above Tg, the Vυqst drastically decreases due to thawing of the frozen-in density fluctuation.

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