
In the present paper we study the scalar sector of the quasinormal modes of charged general relativistic, static and spherically symmetric black holes coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics and embedded in a class of scalar-tensor theories. We find that for certain domain of the parametric space there exist unstable quasinormal modes. The presence of instabilities implies the existence of scalar-tensor black holes with primary hair that bifurcate from the embedded general relativistic black-hole solutions at critical values of the parameters corresponding to the static zero-modes. We prove that such scalar-tensor black holes really exist by solving the full system of scalar-tensor field equations for the static, spherically symmetric case. The obtained solutions for the hairy black holes are non-unique and they are in one to one correspondence with the bounded states of the potential governing the linear perturbations of the scalar field. The stability of the non-unique hairy black holes is also examined and we find that the solutions for which the scalar field has zeros are unstable against radial perturbations. The paper ends with a discussion on possible formulations of a new classification conjecture.

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