
The structure of cyanophosphines and their oxides was studied by ab initio (RHF/6-31G**) and semiempirical (PM3) methods. Both methods predict that MeOP(CN)2, (MeO)2PCN, and (MeO)2P(O)CN exist in noneclipsed antiperiplanar and synclinal conformations. The calculation results nicely agree with measured dipole moments and Kerr constants of these compounds. The phenyl and diphenyl derivatives PhP(CN)2, Ph2PCN, Ph(Et)PCN, and Ph2P(O)CN prefer forms in which the phenyl ring plane is eclipsing the phosphorus lone electron pair or the phosphoryl bond. The interactions of the phosphorus lone electron pair with the phenyl ring and with the cyano group are lacking in the title compounds.

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