
Quantum transport measurement is an efficient tool to unveil properties of topological surface states in 3D topological insulators. Herein, experimental and theoretical results are reviewed, presenting first some methods for the growth of nanostructures. The effect of the disorder and the band bending is discussed in details both experimentally and theoretically. Then, the focus is put on disorder and quantum confinement effect in topological surface states of 3D topological insulators narrow nanostructures. Such effect can be revealed by investigating quantum interferences at very low temperature such as Aharonov–Bohm oscillations or universal conductance fluctuations.


  • HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not

  • Theory predicts that the existence of topological surface states (TSS) in 3D topological insulators (TIs) is topologically protected by TRS

  • Many transport properties specific to 3D TI surface states could be probed by quantum transport experiments with singlecrystalline nanostructures, confirming the potential of simple devices both for fundamental studies of topological materials and for building spin-based devices, such as NWs for ballistic interconnects, for instance

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Vapor Transport Growth

The growth of nanostructures of 3D TIs is a key issue for the investigation of the transport properties of TSS. Joseph Dufouleur studied physics at the University of Paris-Sud and engineering in Supélec (Paris, France) He got his Ph.D. in the group of Dominique Mailly on quantum transport in 2D electron gas. To have some high-quality crystals and surfaces, we developed a new process to optimize the growth of Bi2Se3 nanostructures by catalyst-free decomposition sublimation in sealed silica ampoule (see Figure 1). The Bi2Se3 powder at the hot spot is sublimated in BiSe and Se2 gases which diffuse and recrystallize in the sink zone Such a growth makes it possible to obtain crystals with a high degree of crystallinity and nanostructures up to few μm long and down to few tens of nm thick. The high quality of as-grown nanostructures was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy including selected area electron diffraction as well as by electrical transport measurements.[27] Recently, 2000066 (2 of 12). This approach was successfully adapted to the growth of Bi2Te3 and WTe2 nanostructures

Electrochemical Deposition
Band Bending
Scattering Anisotropy
Transport in Quantum Confined Topological Insulators
Aharnov–Bohm Interferences in Confined and Disordered
Quasiballistic Transport in NWs
Universal Conductance Fluctuations in 3D Topological Insulator NWs
Conflict of Interest
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