
Preface. 1. Origins of Quantum Physics. 1.1 Historical Note. 1.2 Particle Aspect of Radiation. 1.3 Wave Aspect of Particles. 1.4 Particles versus Waves. 1.5 Indeterministic Nature of the Microphysical World. 1.6 Atomic Transitions and Spectroscopy. 1.7 Quantization Rules. 1.8 Wave Packets. 1.9 Concluding Remarks. 1.10 Solved Problems. Exercises. 2. Mathematical Tools of Quantum Mechanics. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 The Hilbert Space and Wave Functions. 2.3 Dirac Notation. 2.4 Operators. 2.5 Representation in Discrete Bases. 2.6 Representation in Continuous Bases. 2.7 Matrix and Wave Mechanics. 2.8 Concluding Remarks. 2.9 Solved Problems. Exercises. 3. Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 The Basic Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. 3.3 The State of a System. 3.4 Observables and Operators. 3.5 Measurement in Quantum Mechanics. 3.6 Time Evolution of the System's State. 3.7 Symmetries and Conservation Laws. 3.8 Connecting Quantum to Classical Mechanics. 3.9 Solved Problems. Exercises. 4. One-Dimensional Problems. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Properties of One-Dimensional Motion. 4.3 The Free Particle: Continuous States. 4.4 The Potential Step. 4.5 The Potential Barrier and Well. 4.6 The Infinite Square Well Potential. 4.7 The Finite Square Well Potential. 4.8 The Harmonic Oscillator. 4.9 Numerical Solution of the Schrodinger Equation. 4.10 Solved Problems. Exercises. 5. Angular Momentum. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Orbital Angular Momentum. 5.3 General Formalism of Angular Momentum. 5.4 Matrix Representation of Angular Momentum. 5.5 Geometrical Representation of Angular Momentum. 5.6 Spin Angular Momentum. 5.7 Eigen functions of Orbital Angular Momentum. 5.8 Solved Problems. Exercises. 6. Three-Dimensional Problems. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 3D Problems in Cartesian Coordinates. 6.3 3D Problems in Spherical Coordinates. 6.4 Concluding Remarks. 6.5 Solved Problems. Exercises. 7. Rotations and Addition of Angular Momenta. 7.1 Rotations in Classical Physics. 7.2 Rotations in Quantum Mechanics. 7.3 Addition of Angular Momenta. 7.4 Scalar, Vector and Tensor Operators. 7.5 Solved Problems. Exercises. 8. Identical Particles. 8.1 Many-Particle Systems. 8.2 Systems of Identical Particles. 8.3 The Pauli Exclusion Principle. 8.4 The Exclusion Principle and the Periodic Table. 8.5 Solved Problems. Exercises. 9. Approximation Methods for Stationary States. 9.1 Introduction. 9.2 Time-Independent Perturbation Theory. 9.3 The Variational Method. 9.4 The Wentzel Kramers Brillou in Method. 9.5 Concluding Remarks. 9.6 Solved Problems. Exercises. 10. Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory. 10.1 Introduction. 10.2 The Pictures of Quantum Mechanics. 10.3 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory. 10.4 Adiabatic and Sudden Approximations. 10.5 Interaction of Atoms with Radiation. 10.6 Solved Problems. Exercises. 11. Scattering Theory. 11.1 Scattering and Cross Section. 11.2 Scattering Amplitude of Spinless Particles. 11.3 The Born Approximation. 11.4 Partial Wave Analysis. 11.5 Scattering of Identical Particles. 11.6 Solved Problems. Exercises. A. The Delta Function. A.1 One-Dimensional Delta Function. A.2 Three-Dimensional Delta Function. B. Angular Momentum in Spherical Coordinates. B.1 Derivation of Some General. B.2 Gradient and Laplacianin Spherical Coordinates. B.3 Angular Momentum in Spherical Coordinates. C. Computer Code for Solving the Schrodinger Equation. Index.

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