
Chern-Simons-Witten configuration space integrals are the Feynman graphs in the aspect of perturbative quantum field theory, and are developed by E. Witten [ADW, AF1, AF2, At, Aw, Ba1, Ba2, HM, MV, RT, Tu, Wi] in 1990’s. But, as in almost all quantum field theories to compute Feynman graphs explicitly is always beyond any rigorous mathematical attack for the time being [PS]. Nevertheless in this paper, in the aspect of the first nonvanishing Massey-Milnor linking [Ma, Mi1, Mi2, Po] we compute explicitly the related Chern-Simons-Witten configuration space integrals [HKT, Hs1, Hs2, Hs3, Hs4, Hs5, Hs6, Hs7, HY], from which we derive the combinatorial formulae of the Massey-Milnor linking when the link under study is represented as a link diagram on the plane R2.

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