
By exactly solving the model of two two-level atoms with dipole-dipole interaction, interacting with a common environment, quantum entanglement and quantum discord of two atoms are obtained. In this paper, the influences of the non-Markovian effect of environment, the dipole-dipole interaction of two atoms and the detunings of the central frequency of the cavity and the transition frequency of the atoms on quantum entanglement and quantum discord dynamics of two atoms are comprehensively considered. The study shows that in the non-Markovian regime and the resonant case, if two atoms are initially in the entangled state, the damping of quantum entanglement and quantum discord will be remarkably suppressed. More specially, in the off-resonant case, the disentanglement time of the two atoms can be considerably prolonged. On the other hand, if two atoms are initially in the separable state, the dipole-dipole interaction can enhance the amplitude of oscillations of quantum entanglement and quantum discord in a short time, but the steady values of quantum entanglement and quantum discord cannot be changed by the dipole-dipole interaction in the long-time limit. Finally, the different influences of the dipole-dipole interaction on quantum entanglement and quantum discord also are discussed.

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