
We discuss a framework for quantizing a Poisson manifold via the quantization of its symplectic groupoid, combining the tools of geometric quantization with the results of Renault’s theory of groupoid C*-algebras. This setting allows very singular polarizations. In particular, we consider the case when the modular function is multiplicatively integrable, i.e., when the space of leaves of the polarization inherits a groupoid structure. If suitable regularity conditions are satisfied, then one can define the quantum algebra as the convolution algebra of the subgroupoid of leaves satisfying the Bohr-Sommerfeld conditions. We apply this procedure to the case of a family of Poisson structures on $${\mathbb{C}P_n}$$ , seen as Poisson homogeneous spaces of the standard Poisson-Lie group SU(n + 1). We show that a bihamiltonian system on $${\mathbb{C}P_n}$$ defines a multiplicative integrable model on the symplectic groupoid; we compute the Bohr-Sommerfeld groupoid and show that it satisfies the needed properties for applying Renault theory. We recover and extend Sheu’s description of quantum homogeneous spaces as groupoid C*-algebras.

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