
We show that the strongly coupled field theory holographically dual to the Gubser-Rocha anti-de-Sitter Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory describes not a single non-trivial AdS2 IR fixed point, but a one-parameter family. It is dual to a local quantum critical phase instead of a quantum critical point. This result follows from a detailed analysis of the possible quantizations of the gravitational theory that is consistent with the thermodynamics of the analytical Gubser-Rocha black hole solution. The analytic Gubser-Rocha black hole is only a 2-parameter subset of all possible solutions, and we construct other members numerically. These new numerical solutions correspond to turning on an additional scalar charge. Moreover, each solution has multiple holographic interpretations depending on the quantization chosen. In one particular quantization involving a multitrace deformation the scalar charge is a marginal operator. In other quantizations where the marginal multitrace operator is turned off, the analytic Gubser-Rocha black hole does not describe a finite temperature conformal fluid.

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