
Methods for measurement of glyceraldehyde-P dehydrogenase, triose-P isomerase, fructose 1,6-diphosphate aldolase, and the DPN-linked and flavin-linked alpha-glycero-P dehydrogenases in small amounts of tissue have been worked out. These enzymes have been measured in ten tracts in rabbit central nervous system. The activities of all the enzymes measured, except the flavin-linked alpha-glycero-P dehydrogenase, are present in larger amounts in lightly myelinated than in heavily myelinated tracts, but are relatively low in fibrillar layer of olfactory bulb, which is unmyelinated. Aldolase, like P-fructokinase (measured previously), is especially low in fibrillar layer. Taken together with relatively high 6-P-gluconate dehydrogenase activity found earlier this supports the hypothesis that the pentose-P shunt is particularly active in this tract. The activity of DPN-linked alpha-glycero-P dehydrogenase is inversely proportional to the lipid content of the myelinated tracts, which suggests that its primary role is not related to lipid synthesis in adult brain. The activities of flavin-linked alpha-glycero-P dehydrogenase are unrelated to those of the DPN-linked enzyme, which is contrary to expectation if the two enzymes function as partners in the "alpha-glycerophosphate shuttle."

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