
Quantitative social historical research origi nated in the Netherlands at the Wageningse school. Al ready in de 1950's Slicher van Bath and Associates started to analyse social, economic and cultural changes in an agricultural society from a historical-demographic point of view. Its research method was analogous to the Annales tradition. During the 1970's the scope of quantitative social historical research got broader: first, because of the introduction of a structural methodology of historical research, secondly, because of the accelerating possibili ties of computerization. The description of some actual themes under study and statistical procedures employed leads to the conclusion that quantitative social histori cal research, although being a useful extension of his toriography, does not belong to the core of historical science. This is a serious drawback for the education of history students in this field of research. Next to that, financial resources are limited. Therefore, the futures of quantitative social historical research in the Netherlands is rather restrained.

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