
The possible roles of random genetic change and natural selection in bryozoan speciation were analyzed using quantitative genetic methods on breeding data for traits of skeletal morphology in two closely related species of the cheilostome Stylopoma. The hypothesis that morphologic differences between the species are caused entirely by mutation and genetic drift could not be rejected for reasonable rates of mutation maintained for as few as 103 to 104 generations. Divergence times this short or shorter are consistent with the abrupt appearances of many invertebrate species in the fossil record, commonly followed by millions of years of morphologic stasis. To produce these differences over 103 generations or fewer, directional selection acting alone would require unrealistically high levels of minimum selective mortality throughout divergence. Thus, selection is unnecessary to explain the divergence of these species, except as a means of accelerating the effects of random genetic change on shorter time scales (directional selection), or decelerating them over longer ones (stabilizing selection). These results are consistent with a variety of models of phenotypic evolution involving random shifts between multiple adaptive peaks. Similar results were obtained by substituting trait heritabilities and genetic covariances reconstructed by partitioning within- and among-colony phenotypic variance in place of the values based on breeding data. Quantitative genetic analysis of speciation in fossil bryozoan lineages is thus justified.

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