
A quantitative study was made of the cytotoxicity of methotrexate (MTX) for nontransformed and transformed NIH 3T3 cells in the presence and absence of leucovorin. The study was preceded by an analysis of the growth rates of the cells at low and high population density combined with low and high concentrations of calf serum (CS). The reduced maximal growth rates of the transformed cells at low population densities relative to the nontransformed cells reinforced earlier evidence that heritable damage involving chromosome aberrations drives the process of transformation. When small numbers of transformed cells are cocultured with a large excess of nontransformed cells in the assay for transformed foci, the transformed cells were more readily killed by MTX than the nontransformed cells. The selectivity was increased when leucovorin (folinic acid) was present in the medium. The selective killing of the transformed cells actively multiplying in foci was most pronounced when the background of nontransformed cells had become confluent and their growth was inhibited. However, selectivity has also been demonstrated when transformed and nontransformed cells are growing at their maximum rates at low density despite the lower growth rate of the transformed cells under these conditions. The sensitivity of transformed cells in pure culture to MTX was lower during the first 3 d of subculture than in the following 6 d but decreased to zero a few d after net growth had ceased. The nontransformed cells were more susceptible to killing by MTX in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) than in MCDB 402, but the transformed cells were sensitive to MTX in both media. The high selectivity of MTX for transformed over nontransformed cells in MCDB 402 results from the presence of 1.0 microM leucovorin (5-formyltetrahydrofolate), a reduced form of the folic acid present in most other culture media. When leucovorin was added to DMEM with its high concentration of folic acid, the resistance to MTX of both nontransformed and transformed cells was greatly increased, but the selectivity of MTX for transformed cells was almost entirely lost. The results indicate that leucovorin protects nontransformed cells against concentrations of MTX that kill transformed cells, but the protection is dependent on the relative amounts of leucovorin to folic acid in the medium. The relative sensitivities of transformed and nontransformed cells in our system to MTX when both cell types are exhibiting their characteristic differential in growth behavior is similar to that described for tumor and normal cells in vivo. Since the unregulated growth behavior of the transformed, tumor-producing cells is efficiently and quantitatively measured in this system, it can be used to develop general principles of treatment and resolve questions of cytotoxic mechanism.

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