
The article presents the quantitative and qualitative attributes of dead wood in forests dominated by Carpinus betulus L. in Kaniv Nature Reserve. The study was conducted in 130–140-year natural common hornbeam forests on two permanent sample plots of 0.24 ha each by identifying and measuring all components of standing and lying (fallen) dead wood. It was found that wood detritus has an average volume of 39.8 m3/ha consists of standing dead trees (23.1%) and fallen dead wood (76.9%). The species composition is dominated by common hornbeam (96.5%), and the share of Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) is low (3.5%). Wood of II (13.2 m3/ha, 33.1%) and III (12.2 m3/ha, 30.7%) classes of destruction predominates. Standing dead wood is formed by only one tree species — common hornbeam and has an average volume of 9.2 m3/ha. It is represented mainly by standing broken trees. The volume of standing dead wood is dominated by wood detritus of the II stage of decomposition (95.7%). Fallen dead wood is formed by two tree species — common hornbeam (95.4%) and Norway maple (4.6%), has an average volume of 30.6 m3/ha. It is represented by whole uprooted and broken fallen trees (trunks), fragments of fallen trees (trunks) and rough branches. Lying dead wood is represented by detritus of all five classes of decomposition, but wood of III (12.2 m3/ha, 39.9%) and IV (9.6 m3/ha, 31.4%) classes predominates. The volume of fallen dead wood is mainly formed by components with an average diameter of 10.1–30.0 cm (75.7%). The diversity of fractions and components, structural features, sizes and stages of decomposition of dead wood can be important in the formation of potential habitats and substrates for a number of species of living organisms.

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