
A perturbation-theory-based model has been developed to predict the effect of random seafloor roughness on synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) image statistics. The continuous variation in scattering strength produced by a random slope field is treated as an intensity scaling on image speckle produced by the SAS imaging process. Changes in image statistics caused by roughness are quantified in terms of the scintillation index (SI). Factors influencing the SI include slope variance, geo-acoustic properties of the seafloor, the probability density function describing the speckle and the signal-to-noise ratio. Example model-data comparisons will be shown for SAS images taken off the coast of Tellaro, Italy, by the NATO Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy (now the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation) using the 300 kHz MUSCLE SAS system, and for data collected with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment’s 100 kHz HISAS system off the coast of northwest coast of Elba Island, Italy, in ...

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