
Air-conditioning system consumes a large amount of electricity in residential sections, and its efficiency has drawn extensive concerns in energy-conscious era. Liquid-vapor separation is a heat transfer enhancement technology that can effectively improve the performance of the heat exchanger as well as the system. In this paper, a regular air-conditioning system as the baseline (system-A) and other two air-conditioning systems with liquid-vapor separation heat exchanger (system-B and system-C) are comparatively studied. The component behaviors and system performances are deeply explored by using advanced exergy analysis with a focus on quantifying how much consequences come from the variants, i.e. liquid-vapor separation. The results indicate that the system-B has large reduced exergy destruction from the compressor and condenser at cooling mode relative to the system-A. The system-C has mainly diminished exergy destruction in the compressor caused by other components relative to the system-B. At heating mode, the system-C has an enhanced system exergy efficiency of 9.6% over the system-A, and it also has the decreased avoidable exergy destruction which is dominantly contributed by the compressor and evaporator. Furthermore, it is found that liquid-vapor separation mainly benefits the compressor and outdoor heat exchanger where it locates, leading to the system performance improvements.

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