
In December 2021, the BIOFISH 300 SUL method for the determination of total sulfites in shrimp was adopted as First Action Official Method of AnalysisSM by the AOAC INTERNATIONAL. A collaborative study was conducted in February 2023 in order to test the reproducibility of the method. The method is based on the use of a benchtop biosensor device that relates the concentration of sulfite to a quantifiable electric current signal. The sensing element, the Biotest, harbors an enzyme that specifically oxidizes sulfite, and the reaction products are electrochemically detected by the device in less than 3 minutes. The sulfite is extracted from the solid using an aqueous based buffer solution, which ensures that all sulfite is present as a free anion. 11 collaborators participated in the study of nine different shrimp samples. Values of RSDr and RSDR obtained from the statistical analysis of valid data ranged from 2.1-8.1% and 7.5-14.3%, respectively, for shrimp samples above the quantification limit of the method, set at 7 mg/kg. These results showed good repeatability and reproducibility of the method, even at concentrations below the legal threshold for sulfite in food, where the reference Optimised Monier-Williams method shows relatively high imprecision.

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