
Relevance of the work. Quantifying these oil reserves allows Venezuela to lead the ranking as the country with the largest oil reserves worldwide Purpose of the work. Is related to the need of quantification in the recoverable oil reserves in the field of Husepin (Monagas state, Venezuela) for the oil industry. The methodology of the research. The La Pica 01 Field is made up of 509 wells, of which 49 wells were used to elaborate the correlations, since they have spontaneous potential and resistivity curves. For each well, the tops and bases of the units were determined by analyzing the behavior of the electrical responses of each of the sands, applying the basic concepts of stratigraphy, as well as a detailed compilation of all the information that corresponds to the wells that form part of the study to obtain a standard record that contains all the favorable data and be able to carry out the correlations. Research results. In the S6 sand, 4 oil deposits were found and an Original Oil In Place of 15,875.32 thousands of normal barrels and recoverable reserves of 2,857. 5576 thousands of normal barrels were estimated. For S8 sand, 5 oil fields were defined and an Original Oil In Place of 25,940.86 thousands of normal barrels and recoverable reserves of 4,669. 3548 thousands of normal barrels were estimated. Original Oil In Place was not calculated in the S7 sand because it has no deposits. Recommendations. Review the production history and verify which wells can be re-incorporated into an oil extraction plan and Submit the reserves of the study fields to the Ministry of Popular Power for Energy and Petroleum (MENPET) taking into account the results obtained in this investigation. Conclusions. 4 oil deposits were found in the S6 sand and 5 oil deposits were found in the S8 sand and each of them were with stratigraphic limits, structural limits and fluid contact. No oil deposits were found in the S7 sand, although records have been taken in the northwest of the field show thicknesses of ANP at this stratigraphic level. Keywords: oil reserves, Orinoco basin, Sigmoilina zone, well, deposit.

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