
Purpose: The study was carried out to evaluate the proximate, rheological and sensory properties of Millet based salad cream in comparison with the conventional salad cream. Methodology: Starches were extracted from four different local varieties of millet, comprising two varieties of pearl millet, namely Gero and Maiwa (Pennisetum glaucum), Tamba-Finger millet (Eluesine coracona) and Acha-Fonio millet (Digitaria exillis) using dry and wet milling processes for the purpose of making salad cream. Standard analytical methods were used in measuring the pH values, proximate composition and viscosity. A 9-point Hedonic scale was used to evaluate the sensory characteristics of the salad cream.
 Findings: Values obtained for pH varied between 3.10 and 3.62 while the sample used as control had a pH of 3.07. Millet starch-based salad cream as well as the control sample had moisture content above 40 %, while protein and fat content ranged from 1.90 % to 4.49 % and 24.41 % to 33.74 % respectively. The control sample had protein content of 4.11% and fat content of 31.89 % in that order. Total available carbohydrate was highest in the samples tested (18.38 %) and 15.33 % in the control sample. Ash content was significantly (p < 0.05) different in the samples and the control; sample values ranged from 1.38 to1.81 % while the control was 1.29 %. Fibre was not detected in all the samples including control sample. Meanwhile, there was significant (p<0.05) difference in Energy (Kcal) and Energy (KJ) in the Millet starch based salad cream and the sample used as control with Millet starch based salad cream having Energy (Kcal) and Energy (KJ) in the range of 287.19 to 331.88 Kcal and 1190.0 to 1374.2 KJ respectively. The control sample had 364.77 and 1510.4 Energy (Kcal/KJ). The viscosity of dry and wet milled millet starch-based salad cream ranged from 0.006-0.033 mls. The control sample value was 0.006 and 0.004mls respectively. All salad cream samples exhibited a non-Newtonian behaviour. Sensory analysis result showed no significant (p >0.05) difference in colour, taste, texture among Millet starch based salad cream, however, there was significant (p < 0.05) difference in the colour, taste, texture attributes in the control sample. .The mean scores of colours, appearance, flavour, taste, mouth feel, texture and overall acceptability of the salad cream samples prepared from the four different local varieties of millet starches compared with a commercial salad cream shows Colour range of 4.30 – 8.50. Appearance ranged from 3.13 – 8.10. Sample Wmg had the least score of 5.00 in the taste attribute while the highest value was observed in Wmm (8.16). Highest score for Mouthfeel was observed in Wmm sample (7.43) with Wmg having the least score of (5.40). Average score for texture range from 4.80 to 7.53. The sample Wmm had the highest value (7.87) for Overall acceptability while Wma had the least value of 5.11. Sample Wmm (wet milled Maiwa) was preferred by the Panellist over the control sample, this means that comparable salad cream can successfully be produced from Millet based starch.

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