
Official statistics on trade in goods between EU member states are collect-ed on country-level and then aggregated by Eurostat. Methodology of data collecting differs slightly between member states(e.g. various statistical thresholds and coverage), including differences in exchange rates as well as undeclared or late-declared transac-tions, errors in classification of goods and other mistakes. It often involves incomparability of mirror data (nominally concerning the same transactions recorded in statistics of both dispatcher and receiver countries). A huge part of these differences can be explained with the variable quality of data resources in the Eurostat database. In the study data quality on intra-EU trade in goods for 2017 was compared between Poland and neigh-bouring EU countries, i.e.:Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania,and other Baltic states–Latvia and Estonia. The additional aim was to indicate the directions hav-ing the greatestinfluence on the observed differences in mirror data. The results of the study indicate that the declarations made in Estonia affect the poor quality of data on trade in goods between the countries mentioned above to the greatest extent.

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