
The present study titled Quality Improvement in the Secondary Schools through District Ranking Initiative in was aimed to study the improvement in public secondary schools of Punjab as a result of the initiatives taken by the previous Government of Punjab (2013-2018) following Punjab Education Sector Reforms Program (PESRP). The government's district ranking initiative in public secondary schools of Punjab. The multistage sampling technique was used to select 800 secondary school teachers from 160 randomly selected high schools of five districts in Punjab. The survey questionnaire for teachers with reliability (.904) was used. Expert opinion was taken to check the face and content validity of the tool. Analysis of quantitative data was done using SPSS, and ANOVA and t-tests were applied besides descriptive statistics. The study results showed statistically significant differences among the satisfaction levels of respondents towards the government's district ranking initiative based on gender, locality, and experience. Urban teachers were more satisfied with the 'government's district ranking initiative, while female teachers were more satisfied with the government's initiative. Results of the study are beneficial for policymakers, government officials, and stakeholders in decision-making and planning for future initiatives. Major recommendations include supporting learning elements in urban and rural schools so that all the students may benefit equally instead of subjectivity locality-wise.

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