
The German federal public reporting system on the quality of home care entiteled “Pflege-Transparenz vereinbarungambulant” (PTVA) is meant to reveal excellence and improve performance. But does the PTVA meet these demands?In this article the German reporting system on the quality of home care is introduced and assessed using anumeric example. Incentives resulting from the PTVA are analysed. Although reports on quality may generallyadvance quality of healthcare, the PTVA does not evoke quality improvement. Moreover, neither criteria, nor assessmentframework or display format from the PTVA motivate nursing care providers to excellence. Instead resourceadjustment from people-intensive care to administrative structures is triggered. Data suggested that the recordedmean of quality assessment results improve while the quality of nursing home care may coincidentally drop(adverse effect). To improve the public reporting system users have to be involved in the development process of thePTVA. Furthermore, the PTVA should focus on parameters of outcome quality and quality of life. Finally, the instrument’sscales and rating system have to be adapted as well.

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